Monday, September 14, 2009

2nd American Revolution, 1 if by economics, 2 if by healthcare

OK! I can not stay silent any more. I know that you all voted for "Homosexuals in the Ministry" as the hottest topic, however, I feel as I must speak on something else.
I say these things because I am an American! Not Scottish-American but just a proud natural born American. My parents were American and their parents were American. Guess what? Their parents were American. I come from a lineage of soldiers and sailors who have given up a part of personal life for the same cause as the founding fathers of America. Freedom!

It should not be cliche when one hears the phrase "Freedom isn't free" because it isn't. Many have given their lives for others. For what? So that they can enjoy the feeling of security, justice, and an equal chance of an abundant life. Some have given their health. (Much to say about this later) Some no longer walk or run. Some no longer enjoy throwing a ball with their son. Some can no longer see how beautiful their daughter has become. Freedom costs.
But what do we have freedom from?

Freedom from State Run Religion
Our founding fathers NEVER intended this to be a nation of religion. They came up with the idea of Separation of Religion and State. Does this mean that religion is not allowed in government? No, it means that the State (government) can not run a religion. And from the looks of what our government does today I'm glad they don't run a religion.

Freedom from Government
Next, we have freedom from our own government. What does this mean? Our government is set up so that everyone of its citizens can enjoy an equal chance to wealth or peace. It means that we can live in an area with out anyone telling us what color our house has to be. (wait a minute!) It means that we do not have to answer to ONE person in charge! We have our voice in the middle of the decision process. (What?) It means that we can buy land produce a product and sell it for a reasonable price even if someone down the street has the same thing. This is the basic principle of FREE Market Capitalism.

Freedom from Foreign and Domestic enemies
We are also free from enemies foreign AND Domestic. This means that our government will provide protection from people from other countries coming to our country and taking over the economy and our way of living (Excuse me?) This means that our government will provide protection from armies of other countries invading our land!
(Wait a minute... you said AND Domestic. What do you mean?)
Domestic enemies means that the government will also provide justice to those who wrong you. They will provide a legal system to protect your belongings and property. They also will provide protection against the very government themselves. (HUH?) We are allowed to express ourselves if the government became the very thing that George W. said that we are doomed to become. The government will not oppress its citizens but instead represent them! We are a government "of the people, by the people, and FOR the people!" George W. never wanted to be president. His thoughts were that the office would be a place for a tyrant and he was finished fighting a tyrant! George W. believed that God should be the head and that the governing principles should come from the Bible not some essays from misled philosophers! Oh by the way... George W. is non other than George Washington.

Finally, I wanted to get off my chest is that we as a nation have fallen far away from what we stood for from the founding fathers to what our government is today. Our government has changed in the past 15 years. Ever since we took out the governing principles of the Bible from our governing principles, America has suffered. We will continue to suffer until we realize that we are FREE!!! Would I dare say that we are headed to a Socialist nation? YES!!! Spread the wealth and free government health is a tell- tale sign that we are headed that way. I have seen pictures comparing Obama to Che and I have to shudder to think that it is a possibility.

I know what you are thinking. What does this have to do with the purpose of this Blog? Bible Grounds? OK, you got me but we can see what the Bible has to say about Socialism, Communism, government, Capitalism, and Religious based government. What do you all think???

Comments please!!!


  1. I am proud to be an American and would never want to pledge my allegience to any other land. But what is so sad is that we American's have forgotten that our first allegience is to Christ. We are Christians, above and beyond anything else. I've heard arguements on both sides... some say that we should be more "socialistic" because Christ commanded us to "love our neighbor", "take care of the widow and orphan." I do not argue this point at all... to do so would be to go against the Bible. However... These commands were to the church, the body of Christ. We have forgotten that these social responsibilites are for the church, not the government.

    Heaven forbid we rely on the government to do something that was intended for the church! The more we count on government assistance for everthing, the more we lose ministry opportunties. The question is, am I taking the ministry opportunities in front of me?

  2. Ditto that! The only way we're going to keep our freedom is if the government stays out of day to day lives. This issues of health care, gun control, and bailing out auto dealerships is going to be the doom of our freedom if such activity keeps up.

    I could give examples of how in each of the above cases, but don't get me started.
